Molly Mogren Katt

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The Best Books I Read Last Year

I’ve had my ups and downs with reading. Periods where I’ve stayed up late for weeks flying through a series. Seasons where I'm only reading nail polish names (best-ever: OPI’s I’m Really Not a Waitress). Times where I am all about non-fiction, and then a string of novels.

Last year, I finally signed up for Good Reads, and committed to reading 39 books in 2021. Because I turned 39. Creative, right?

I ended up reading 43! Why yes, I am bragging.

Before I share my favorites, I’d like to jam a few of my opinions down your throat.

Listening to audiobooks counts!

Yep, you’re not turning pages, but it effin counts. It’s one of my favorite ways to consume books because it allows me to make boring tasks (washing dishes, folding the never-ending hell that is laundry, walking the dogs, stripping wallpaper) fun. I am ashamed to admit that many audiobooks came from Audible (aka putting cash money into Mr. Worldwide Shipping’s pocket), but I also regularly request them from the library. I have heard great things about Libro.FM, which allows you to buy audiobooks from independent bookstores.

I’ve also tried Scribd, which is like Netflix but for audiobooks. It’s $9.99/mo and has SO MANY TITLES. Way less $$$ than Audible. You can get a 30 Day FREE trial here.

Buy from your local bookstore.

Amazon is so damn easy, but it’s really not that hard to buy a book from a local, independent store. Not only does it support a local business, but it’s better for writers! Did you know the NYT’s bestseller’s list weighs books purchased from indie stores more than those purchased on Amazon? You can even pre-order from local shops, or ask them to get stock your favorite author. It really helps writers.

I love my Kindle.

I enjoy flipping the pages of a book. However, I am now Kindle-obsessed. I blame Jonathan Franzen, whose epic tome Freedom tagged along on a Florida vacation. That effer was so big and heavy, I wanted to set it on fire and get my own freedom. A Kindle fits perfectly into my purse, so I can be toted everywhere (want to read 40 books this year? Read instead of scrolling Instagram whenever you have a few spare moments). I also read every night before bed, and love that I don’t need the lights on.

Get the Libby app.

With Libby, you can get library books on your e-reader (or audiobooks on your phone) in a snap. I usually get some sort of wild hare up my ass and put a ton of books on hold all at once. Then they trickle in over time. If I don’t have time to read something, you can ask the library to delay your hold for a week or a few months. Another thing— if you want to give some love to a writer, ask your library to stock their book.

Here are the best books I read last year.

What were the best books you read last year? What are you looking forward to this year? Did you read Tender is the Flesh? Are you grossed out by meat forever? Share in the comments!

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