Molly Mogren Katt

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All the Reasons I've Cried Since Having a Baby

Arlene Helen Katt was born on July 14, 2016.

One of the biggest things I remember a nurse telling me in the hospital was that I would be very swollen for the weeks after birth. She assured me my body would rid itself of the extra fluid by way of sweat, pee and maybe a few tears.

A few tears?!

I've never been much of a crier, but after this baby... wow. Commercials, opening credits to movies, just looking at my baby can be enough to start the waterworks. It's a classic case of the baby blues. I started writing down all the reasons I've cried in the past six weeks. Some understandable, others downright ridiculous.Without further ado, here's all the reasons I've cried since having a baby.

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Because my husband cried and exclaimed, "She's so cute!" the moment he saw her.Because my mother-in-law cried when we Skyped with her from the hospital.Because I had an excruciating headache for six days post-birth and "just want to enjoy my baby!"Because the nurse I had for the last two nights at the hospital sucked.Because one of the other nurses I had was so encouraging and helpful.Because when our friends and family held her, I was so proud.Because I heard the new Wilco song. I don't even know what it's about! I just watched the video and started crying again! It's just too much.Because I watched Adventures in Babysitting and the opening credits killed me.Because, many times, I've though that I love our baby "too much."Because when I watch my husband hold our baby, it melts my heart.Because I watched this McDonald's commercial:Because a home care nurse in her 50s came to our house and said that she feels bad for all of us new moms because we're unnecessarily bombarded with information and high expectations. I agreed.Because of the Olympics.Because of the news. Pretty much all of it aside from the weather. Why is the news so sad?Because of this episode of the Longest Shortest Time podcast.Because one day, our little girl will leave us and go to college.Because I'm tired.Because sometimes when I feed our baby, I am sure her mouth is full of razorblades.Because I haven't left the house all day.Because I haven't taken a shower since Monday and it's Wednesday night.Because the receptionist at our pediatrician's office wasn't helpful.Because I want to give the baby a bottle and the lactation consultant told us not to.Because I gave the baby a bottle even though the lactation consultant told us not to.Because sometimes I have to use a nipple shield to breastfeed my baby, even though experts say you shouldn't.Because I was so relieved when a bunch of other moms-- people I know who I think are great moms-- said they, too, used a nipple shield. Some of them for many months!PS This is a nipple shield.Because the baby wasn't gaining weight fast enough.Because I had to take the baby to Children's Hospital (she's fine), saw a bunch of sick kids and thought about how fortunate we are to have a healthy baby.Because, as a joke, I said I was going to make a  baby picture slideshow set to Amy Grant's "Baby, Baby." And then I listened to that song because I thought it'd be funny, but then I just cried.Because a friend told me how her teenage daughter was being a brat, and then I thought of how my daughter will sometimes hate my guts.Because I watched someone's wedding video. I don't even know them.Because sometimes my dog seems so, so, sooo sad.Because sometimes my dog seems to love the baby.Because my friend told me she was pregnant.Because I was so scared that I wasn't going to be a good mom, or like being a mom, and I actually love it.Because everyone said it's different with your own kids and they were right.Because I wrote this blog post.Because I read this blog post to my husband and he cried, too.

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Please feel free to share the craziest reason you've cried (baby related or not) in the comments.I should also note here that there is a big difference between the baby blues and postpartum depression. If you think you may have the latter, there is so much help available. Please talk to someone asap. Read this now.